Thursday, June 15, 2017

More VBS in Quito, Church in Quito and Historic Tour

June 10th
We peeled more paint off the floor this Sunday. I was feeling better from the sinus infection, but my room mate Gloria had a lot of pain in her eye. After 2.5hrs of peeling paint we had lunch and prepared for more VBS with the children of Quito. This time we had about 70 children. It started raining through part of the activities so we moved indoors to finish our fun.

After dinner we had a time where we shared thoughts about how God worked in our lives during this trip. Josh Pavek shared about how he learned more about being spontaneous and trusting God's plan. He's very used to being goal oriented and on this trip he learned to give up his plans for whatever God wanted to do.

Lucas shared how he thought it was remarkable to see that there is a "Jesus sized hole" in everyone's heart, no matter where you go...that it is a universal thing that there is a need to Jesus that there there is that common language of love.

Nicole shared how she realized how important it is to love people and not evaluate them based off of how they look or dress.

Good thoughts :)

June 11th
Church in Quito for us was very much like the Assembly of God here in the USA, just very loud and in Spanish. It was so lovely to see all our young men and women cleaned up and dressed up!

After church we all had a special lunch out at a Chinese restaurant. It was delicious! We then headed out for a historic tour. It was amazing! The churches we toured were beautiful. One was extremely ornate (called La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús), coated with gold and in baroque style. It was very depressing. The Catholic church in Ecuador is very oppressive and dark compared to most of the Catholic churches in the USA. We got to go inside the catacombs of this church. Apparently there was a section where the priests and nuns would dump alive sick people into the catacomb to die there!! One of the nuns who was influential in this church would torture herself by putting needles throughout her body thinking she could take on the suffering of the Ecuadorian people (didn't Jesus do that for us already..?). So dark. Everyone left in awe of the beauty and also spooked by the darkness of the church. I have only a couple pictures take of this church (the entrance) sine photography was not allowed inside.

We also visited the La Catedral of Quito. It was my favorite! There are only 2 churches built in the style that it is in: itself, and Notre Dame in France. 

After the churches we toured we went to the market!! I had so much fun buying some clothes and trinkets for myself and my family and friends. I had to be careful because I almost ran out of money and we were visiting another market the next day!

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