Thursday, June 15, 2017

Hand Washing Laundry, Baptisms & Children of Maderos

June 6th
On the 6th is was feeling very fatigued so I stayed at the Maderos Foundation/missionary house and learned to hand wash laundry instead from a woman named Olgita.  It was so peaceful to be alone and quiet with my thoughts. A couple other students stayed at the Foundation with me due to stomach issues. They had diarrhea, so Zoe thought it wise for them not to work on the finca either.

After the kiddos got back they had a few minutes to clean up before heading to the river to get baptized. Only 7 people were planning on getting baptized that morning, but a total of 15 ended up getting baptized!!

About 5-6 of the baptisms were 2 time baptisms, including mine. I wasn't planning on it, and it was probably unnecessary, but I wanted a fresh start with God. I went through a lot with God last year and became a practical atheist last year with being very mentally independent from Him.  I want to be more intimate with Him, and seek  and be with Him not once a week, or once a day, or once a minute, but every moment!!

Kleber, our bus driver, got baptized too! What a special time. He's very cute and sweet, and I like him a lot. He's a new Christian.

June 7th
On the farm @9am we went and weeded around lemon trees with hoes and shovels. Others worked with machetes  and hacked down a bunch of grass and weeds.

I stayed after lunch cause I was feeling very fatigued. I washed some of my laundry and Helen Schelnker's pants and then took a rest for about 40 minutes. 2 other students were with me. James was feeling like me and Nicole had been throwing up. I think everyone was started to get sick and having difficulty staying properly dehydrated.

In the afternoon we spent some time with the children of Maderos. They were so sweet and fun! There were 2 boys on our team that are favorites with the Ecuadorian girls.  At this VBS event the girls were hitting on them very hard! It was a bit hilarious to see. I got very close and enjoyed the wonderful company of two very lovely and joyful little girls, Jacelynn  and Diana.

Later in the afternoon we had a little service for the community of Maderos at the Foundation.
Before the serve Zoe gifted a couple people, including Kleber, for being so kind to us and joyful. He cried a bit and was so sweet in thanking us.
During the service I invited Kleber to sit near me while I held the 2 little girls, Diana (the smaller one) on my lap and the other one in a seat beside me. The electricity went out at one point, but we had flashlights and a back up generator so everything ended up being fine.

It was on this afternoon, after the service was over, that Kleber visited with me about my work, etc. We used his phone to help translate between us. He then told me he liked me. I told him I liked him too...but because I don't know Spanish I couldn't tell if he meant that romantically or not.

It was hard getting to sleep that night because the air conditioners couldn't run, even with the help of the generator. I had very strange dreams and got dehydrated, and my allergies to the jungle turned into a sinus infection! Blech

God is good though, one of the kiddos had Zithromax, so I was able to keep it at bay while I was on the trip.

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