Thursday, June 15, 2017

El Coca River, Jungle Hike & Condor Pakcha

June 5th
This was a relatively low key day...we got to walk around the city of Coca, eat ice cream, celevrate 3 birthdays (I ate a huge plate of food!!) before driving back to Maderos. I was so thankful we had a relaxing day after the emotionally, and physically trying day of the activities the day before.

We saw some cool little monkeys off of the El Coca River! They were so cute!

June 6th
This was the best day ever!! It think this was one of my most favorite. We hiked into the Amazon jungle! We road a boat across the El Coca river to get to a community called Condor Pakcha.

This community was special because only one other missionary group had visited them ever before, which meant that they had only been exposed or hear of Jesus once before, which happened to be the week before we arrived! It was such a special opportunity to be the 2nd group of Christians to visit these people. Pastor Alajandro, our host, said he had prayed 8 years to reach this community!!

We had to ride a boat across the El Coca River before starting our jungle hike. The hike was about a  mile long, but with the brush and trees it took us about 40 minutes to get to Condor Pakcha. Zoe, our team leader, had the pleasure of having a black snake slither over here shoes!! D:

While we were their we did another VBS, played soccer/football with the kids and enjoyed swimming in a small stream with them! It was so much fun to splash and have fun together as a team and while some of the locals and our bus driver, Kleber (pronounced "Clever"). He was not a Christian at this point, but he's very intrigued watching us...he goes wherever we go.

It was on this day that I felt like I could move to that area for awhile--that is to hike n'

stuff, probably not teach!

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